Ecommerce Fashion Report 2020

Insights on digital resilience

By Julia Millot

August 2020

Inside this report

To maintain strong connections with consumers without relying on physical stores, fashion merchants need to improve the online shopping experience. From increasing delivery and payment options to investing more across their digital channels, this report explores how the fashion industry can maximize eCommerce to boost customer loyalty and grow revenue streams.

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Adapting Omnichannel

Marketplace Exposure

Building the Brand

Trusting Consumers


Bolster your digital channel

Bolster your digital channel

Optimize digital technologies and checkout flows to ensure a seamless online shopping experience

Strengthen your brand

Strengthen your brand

Connect with the consumer’s values and offer perks to deepen their loyalty to your brand and improve retention

Build trust with your customers

Build trust with your customers

Learn how to navigate friendly fraud to protect revenue while improving customer satisfaction