Forrester Snapshot: The Post-PSD2 State Of Play for EU & UK eCommerce Merchants

Insights from decision-makers on how PSD2 impacts their business, fraud rates, and customer experiences.

By Forrester Consulting

August 2022

Inside this study

As merchants in the EU and UK continue to transform their payment flows to comply with the PSD2, customer experience issues, high fraud rates, and a lack of data transparency within the payments ecosystem still present challenges. 

In a study commissioned by Riskified, Forrester Consulting surveyed 207 decision-makers from eCommerce organizations across the EU and the UK to assess the impact of PSD2 on their businesses, examine whether it lives up to their expectations, and how, if properly managed, it can help enable smooth and secure payments.

Get your copy of the Forrester Consulting Opportunity Snapshot for insights into how merchants can realize the full promise of PSD2 by optimizing payment flows and striking a balance between compliance, security, and user experience.

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Table of Contents

Overview and Key Findings

Post PSD2 Current State of Business

Fraud, Lock-Ins, and Checkout Challenges

Opportunities To Optimize with Data Transparency

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

PSD2 Adoption Challenges

PSD2 Adoption Challenges

45% of decision-makers reported that their organisations were complying with the baseline requirements of PSD2 or still resolving technical issues to be fully compliant.

The Impact of PSD2 on Fraud Levels

The Impact of PSD2 on Fraud Levels

More than a third of respondents state that alongside high friction and cart abandonment levels, they are receiving more chargebacks on 3DS authenticated transactions, negatively affecting their organisations’ overall fraud rates.

Transparency to Optimize Performance

Transparency to Optimize Performance

Respondents surveyed desire more data about payment processing fees, regular updates on market performance, and reviews of available solutions to help optimise PSD2 performance and deliver competitive edge.