US Gold Bureau grows approval rates to 98%
Find out how US Gold Bureau boosted approval rates, reduced manual review, and provided better customer service.

Boost approval rates and customer satisfaction
US Gold Bureau’s Bryan Whoolery, Director of Security & Compliance, and Miranda Kiefer, Director of Operations, share their perspective on the importance of partnership, shared learning, and accuracy in fraud detection to improve the ecommerce experience.

Director of Security & Compliance, US Gold Bureau
It’s been a great transition [to Riskified]. They understand and they’re learning from us and we’re learning from them. Their accuracy levels are amazing, better than we’ve ever seen.
Essential information payments executives need to know
Learn how Riskified helped Lorna Jane to cut fraud costs, lift conversions, and deliver immediate results.
See how TicketNetwork reduced criminal fraud chargebacks by 50-75% with Riskified