Avoiding False Declines

A Guide for eCommerce Merchants

By Yarden Altshull

November 2018

Inside this guide

While most online businesses recognize the importance of preventing chargebacks, the financial impact of turning away good orders is often underestimated. This guide provides actionable tips for improving fraud review decision accuracy and safely increasing approval rates without incurring chargebacks.

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The Scope of the False Declines Problem

The Financial Impact of False Declines

Best Practices for Reducing False Declines


Understand the scope of false declines

Understand the scope of false declines

Learn about the business impact of rejecting good customers due to suspected fraud

Stop rejecting legitimate customers

Stop rejecting legitimate customers

Understand when to accept transactions despite “risky” indicators & data mismatches

Track and improve your performance

Track and improve your performance

Find out how to tag online orders to ensure better performance and decision accuracy