Risk Academy

Fraud Detection & Prevention

Learn about fraud MOs, trends, and prevention

Fraud Detection & Prevention

A Guide to Fraud Scores & Scoring Models

What is a fraud score? A fraud score acts as a quick indicator of fraud. It’s a high-level interpretation of the level of risk associated with a particular order and helps merchants make a decision on whether to approve, decline, or further review the order. Fraud scores come from scoring models that identify traits and … Continued

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Fraud Detection & Prevention

Retail Return Fraud: What It Is & How to Prevent It

The words “Stop! Thief!” are rarely uttered outside of movies anymore. Of course, it’s not that we don’t still have thieves out there. Theft today is like everything else in the 21st century: It happens faster, can be technologically assisted, and is often invisible.  Return fraud is a good example. The US National Retail Federation … Continued

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Fraud Detection & Prevention

What Is Payment Fraud & How Do You Prevent It

Payment fraud is, at its core, a false or illegitimate transaction. Before the internet, payment fraud was typically a simple case of bounced checks or erroneous chargebacks. However, with the advent of eCommerce, it’s become much more complex. Consumers are losing personal identity data and credit card numbers to phishing scams, malware links in text … Continued

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Fraud Detection & Prevention

What You Should Know About Account Takeovers

What is an account takeover? An account takeover, or ATO, is a form of fraud that happens when a bad actor gains unauthorized access to an online store account.  When fraudsters gain access to the online accounts of legitimate customers, they obtain a wealth of high-value information. The fraudulent transactions they are able to commit … Continued

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Fraud Detection & Prevention

Online Gift Card Fraud: Schemes & Prevention

Gift cards are on the rise as a consumer category. Unfortunately, They are also a fraudster’s dream, having topped the list of preferred payment methods by scammers since 2018. According to the US Federal Trade Commission, 1 in 4 Americans who report losing money to fraud lost it via some kind of related scam, and … Continued

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Fraud Detection & Prevention

Friendly Fraud Credit Card Chargeback

Rapidly rising volumes in eCommerce businesses make room for more fraud, and many, if not all, eCommerce merchants are familiar with the challenges it brings. The problem with friendly fraud is that the more eCommerce flourishes, the more legitimate customers begin pushing the boundaries of what is considered legitimate shopping activity, and eCommerce retailers must … Continued

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