Risk Academy

Chargebacks 101

Learn about chargebacks and how to prevent them

Chargebacks 101

Chargeback Insurance for Merchants: What Is It?

Say you own a shop. It is a source of income, but it also opens the door to risks: a fire could break out, or a break-in could happen, or maybe someone will drive through your front window. If this happens, you’ll need to pay a lot of money for repairs. Another risk is a … Continued

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Chargebacks 101

Chargeback Guarantee Explained: What Does Chargeback Fraud Mean?

What is a chargeback? Before we jump into the chargeback guarantee discussion, let’s zoom out a bit to chargebacks in general. A chargeback is often the direct outcome of a successful card not present (CNP) fraudulent transaction. It is a reversal of a credit card payment that’s issued directly from the bank, at the request … Continued

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Chargeback Guarantee
Chargebacks 101

Chargeback Dispute: What, When, Why, and How

What is a chargeback dispute? A chargeback dispute is a process through which a merchant can combat illegitimate chargeback claims. When a cardholder notices an unauthorized charge on their card, they can notify their card issuer and file for a chargeback, meaning they request a refund directly from the bank rather than the merchant. But … Continued

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Chargebacks 101

Chargeback Fraud: What it is and How to Prevent it

A credit card chargeback is a process in which a card owner can reclaim money directly from the issuer after disputing a purchase charge; every ecommerce merchant has experienced the challenges that come with it. While this process is in place to protect consumers against fraud, it can also be abused by bad actors. A … Continued

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