2020 Holidays

A Very Digital Shopping Season

By Amarelle Wenkert

November 2020

Inside this report

In eCommerce, the winter holidays are the axis around which the entire fiscal year revolves, valued at 20% of annual revenue. In 2020, COVID-19 caused a mass-migration online and made availability, convenience, and affordability the predominant factors in consumer choice. How can merchants prepare for an unprecedented holiday season? To understand the year’s holiday trends and deliver actionable insights, we look to four pandemic-era holiday test cases: Memorial Day, Labor Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day. So what can merchants expect? Well, the unexpected.

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Trying to Predict the Unpredictable

Expect More Volume

New Patterns Emerge

The Holidays’ Biggest Winners

Gift Cards Reign Supreme

What role will eCommerce play in the upcoming holiday season?

What role will eCommerce play in the upcoming holiday season?

Which new shopping patterns and fraud trends can merchants expect?

Which new shopping patterns and fraud trends can merchants expect?

How can merchants adapt their holiday strategy and stay ahead of the curve?

How can merchants adapt their holiday strategy and stay ahead of the curve?