
Infographic: What Europe really thinks about PSD2

PSD2 has led to a period of uncertainty for online merchants and consumers alike. To find out more about their concerns, Riskified commissioned a survey in 2019 of 2,000 consumers and 200 retailers evenly split across the UK, Germany, France, and Spain. Elena Lerman, one of our talented in-house designers, has turned the results into … Continued

Revenue Protection & PSD2: Navigating a New Payment Ecosystem

The motives behind PSD2 are, on the whole, quite positive: protecting online businesses and consumers, while driving competition in the European payments industry. But while the exact implications of this regulation for merchants remain to be seen, it is already apparent that its execution may not be as fruitful as intended. It’s no secret that … Continued

Online Fashion Sales: The Bottom Line

Fashion is a fickle business – but one trend that’s set to remain in style for the foreseeable future is shoppers’ penchant for buying apparel online. In 2018, clothing and footwear were the most commonly purchased online goods, while eCommerce transactions are expected to make up 36% of total fashion retail by 2022. Of course, … Continued

Maximizing Online Cosmetics Revenue: A Report for Merchants

The global cosmetics market is expected to be worth $390 billion by 2020, and based on current trends, eCommerce will play a significant role in overall industry expansion. But failing to recognize and capitalize on growth opportunities can play directly into the competition’s hands. To make the most of this potential market, online merchants need … Continued

Risk and Reward in the Indian Market

India’s eCommerce market is widely considered the most rapidly expanding in the world. Annual growth is currently 51%, and market value is expected to hit $120 billion by 2020. Bearing in mind India’s huge (and increasingly tech-savvy) population, plus the fact that over 80% of online transactions come from major international e-tailers (compared to the global … Continued

The Middle East: An eCommerce Oasis

In 2016, the Middle Eastern eCommerce market was worth around $5 billion – a figure that’s expected to double by 2018. The region, as a whole, has tremendous potential. The digital share of retail in the Gulf states is a mere 1-2% of the total spent, compared to around 15% in more mature markets. To add … Continued

All You Need To Know About Disputing Chargebacks: A Guide

One of the biggest challenges eCommerce retailers face is avoiding the rising number of chargebacks resulting from CNP fraud. In a 2016 study, online merchants reported that around half their fraud-related revenue loss was a direct consequence of chargebacks. Many of these are the result of clear cut fraud – where stolen credit card information is used … Continued

Chargebacks: Managing Transaction Disputes

Global online retail sales are projected to exceed $2 trillion in 2017, and double to $4 trillion by 2020. Despite this rapid growth, selling online is not without its challenges, and eCommerce merchants are increasingly seeing their hard-earned revenue fall victim to CNP fraud and the associated chargebacks. A 2016 study confirmed this, with online … Continued