Fraud Prevention

Human + machine: Winning chargeback management in 2024

Fraud managers and analysts know how much work it can take to win a chargeback dispute. In addition to curating evidence, analysts spend their time manually consolidating and organizing data, divvying up work, formatting and submitting evidence, and tracking status. And when you want to track overall program performance, there’s more manual work ahead of … Continued

Three remedies for fraud teams facing a big holiday hangover

Across the ecommerce organization, from marketers to webmasters, the post-holiday period brings high-fives and sweet relief. Everyone gets to recover a bit after the insanity of the Q4 shopping season.  Everyone except for fraud managers, that is. In the fraud prevention world, insanity season is just beginning. There’s a deluge of returns and the potential … Continued

Fraud Is Unpredictable, Profitability Shouldn’t Be: Why the C-Suite Needs an Accountable Fraud Management Partner

Accountability is the glue that holds our operations together. It’s about taking responsibility for maintaining the integrity of our business environment. Just as we’re responsible for the well-being of our families and communities, as executive leaders, we’re accountable for our teams’ success and the outcomes they achieve. However, confusion often arises between accountability and consequences. … Continued