We are excited to announce the addition of a new resource to our Buyer’s Kit: The CNP Fraud Lexicon. The Lexicon is a collection of the most pertinent concepts and expressions used within the fraud-prevention industry, all clearly explained. Our goal was to demystify many of the technical terms used by fraud analysts to describe fraudster behavior, benchmarking metrics, fraud prevention tools, and more.  

In addition to the new Lexicon, the Buyer’s Kit includes the following downloadable resources:

The Lexicon was compiled as a complement to the above resources. It is a tool to help executives and procurement professionals better understand the many facets of CNP fraud prevention, and obtain a solution that is well suited to their organization.

We hope our bolstered kit will help streamline your procurement process and help you avoid costly mistakes when considering a fraud management solution.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected].