As the impact of COVID-19 continues to grow, we wanted to provide an update on our preparations and answer questions about Riskified’s service. Our first priority is the health and safety of Riskified’s employees and our partners. We’ve taken a number of steps to address that.

We also understand that COVID-19 is likely to have a huge impact on eCommerce, and merchants are expecting 100% performance from their fraud-management providers. In short – we are fully prepared. Our teams are mobilized and working from home, and we don’t anticipate any disruptions or changes to the service we provide. We’ll explain in more detail below.

Our solution is cloud-based and fully automated, and our teams have full remote access. The same goes for the third-party solutions we’re using. Because our decisions do not require human input, our response times, approval rates and the customer experience should all continue as normal, even in the event that the COVID-19 pandemic requires more adjustments to our collective way of life. Some meetings that would have happened in person will now take place virtually, but, beyond that, Riskified is operating as usual.

We understand that we provide a mission-critical service to eCommerce merchants, and we want them to be confident. If you are an existing Riskified client and still have questions, please contact your Account Manager or our Customer Success team. If you aren’t a current client, please submit your questions via our request demo form.