Sangwon Yoon

3D Secure 2.0: What to Know

The alphabet soup of payment authentication protocols has been more visible in the press and general eCommerce and payments buzz lately. Why? Because the latest update of a decades-old card-not-present payment authentication protocol launched earlier this year. Plus, PSD2 is going into effect on September 14th for merchants, and one aspect of this European regulation … Continued

A Field Guide to Boosting Omnichannel Success Through BOPIS

In their attempts to compete with online-only merchants, many brick-and-mortar merchants focus on building their digital operations and offerings. They see it as the key to omnichannel success. While a robust online footprint is critical for competitiveness, it’s not a panacea. By concentrating solely on what they lack, these brick-and-mortar merchants are losing sight of … Continued

Fraud or Not? Three Evolving Order Types

Fraudsters are constantly looking to exploit vulnerabilities in ecommerce. They try a number of different approaches (“attack vectors”), and if one is proven effective, they exploit it until it’s discovered and the vulnerability closed. Fraudsters are ever-evolving, and, in order to stay ahead of them, merchants must stay abreast of the latest forms of ecommerce … Continued