When merchants are shopping for a new fraud prevention solution, the questions that come up most revolve around costs and bottom-lines: can this service reduce my chargeback problem? Can it help increase my transaction approval rate? And, of course, how much will it cost? While these are all fundamental questions, according to Raz Vicerabin, Riskified’s Director of Sales (EMEA & APAC), a better question is this: what can I gain from partnering with a fraud prevention provider?

In the newest episode of The Full Cart, Riskified’s podcast about the eCommerce landscape, Raz walks us through the process of shopping for a fraud prevention service. Raz shares insights on online fraud in an evolving market and the link between fraud prevention and growth. Raz also explains why it is crucial for merchants to stop being afraid and learn to embrace the technology behind fraud prevention. 

Tune in for tips on:

  • The critical questions to ask when shopping for a fraud prevention solution
  • How to accurately define your fraud needs and expectations
  • How to assess available services and technologies
  • How to leverage fraud prevention to boost your growth strategy

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